Ayurveda is a health and healing modality that applies an understanding of nature and the body, to support optimal physiological functioning. Ayurveda uses a framework of understanding physiology based on tridoshic theory, which seeks to create balance with dietary and lifestyle recommendations, as well as Ayurvedic bodywork therapies. We support fulfilling the health goals of the client with non-invasive (bodywork), holistic, herbal, and gentle practices of purification and rejuvenation. 

1) Lifestyle and dietary recommendations are based on Ayurvedic theory and are not a substitute for the advice of a physician. It is not within the scope of consultation/ bodywork practices for practitioners to assume responsibility for the treatment, diagnosis, or cure of any particular health problem or disease.

3) This Ayurvedic approach is for the purpose of creating balance in the physiology and improving overall mental and physical well-being.