Ayurvedic Assessment, Partnering Opportunites, & Healing Justice Initiatives
Yes — Consultation for Ayurvedic assessment is something we offer, yet the primary focus is bodywork. We do take a select few clients for 1-3 month committments of Ayurvedic lifestyle orientation and support.
Generally speaking, we work on balancing the digestion, detox pathways, adrenal reset, and biorhythm practices. Depending on the individual and current imbalances, the well-care plan will be designed strategically.
Otherwise, we love to collaborate with other practitioners — our “Pancha Partners!”
Ayurvedic nutrition
Daily and seasonal routines
Medicinal foods, herbs, spices, and practices
Self-massage and Ayurvedic bodywork therapies
Need for cleansing or rejuvenation
Life-cycle/ age, adaptation to life’s stresses, blockages, inflammation, etc.
Mental, physical, spiritual, and vibrational health/ balance
The Ayurvedic Sacred Revival Package is where health and healing come full circle. These services are traditionally utilized in Ayurveda’s comprehensive system called “Pancha Karma.” Modifying the approach makes it more accessible for clients, and allows me to scale my scope of practice appropriately . Our approach supports balanced well-being by nourishing the senses and profoundly relaxing tension in the mind and body.
Please refer to the dedicated website page for more information.
Cleansing is a wonderful preventative practice to support metabolism and energy. Especially during Spring and Fall, cleanses help metabolism adapt to the environmental and dietary changes of the seasons.
Ayurvedic cleansing is structured in a way to honor the strength & needs of the person along with the energetics of the season & foods. Includes: cleanse consult, overview, spice mix, spice tea, support throughout process.
Rates vary depending on needs (support, spice blends, bodywork package rates, etc), yet consult fee is $108.
Change can activate an ambivalent process in most people— part of us wants to change and another is attached to what feels familiar. By clarifying these inconsistencies, we can tailor a plan reflective of your current capacity for change. The exploration of lifestyle change aims to incrementally build confidence in easeful self-reliance.
As an integrative health consultant and Ayurvedic practitioner, I believe gradual change is the most sustainable. I see health as a value we can express through our daily choices. My aim is to support your capacity for discernment, so you feel empowered to trust and listen to your body-- as it is more intelligent than we can comprehend.
I have two roles: 1) Encouraging the synthesis of Ayurvedic principles into your lifestyle practices with educational support. 2) Facilitating a conversation around your health practices, by expanding on your motivations to continuously nurture your nature.
My invitation is to explore yourself and engage your life. My intention is to determine the root cause of what imbalances are present, and offer a systematic intervention to restore proper functioning.
Are you already seeing an Ayurvedic practitioner and want to experience the bodywork modalites?
Are you an Ayurvedic practitioner that wants to offer bodywork services to your clients?
Let’s collaborate!
We are flexible with those experiencing financial hardship. Strictly reserved for those who cannot pay the the rate in full.
Payment plans are available as well.
We have an application to determine eligibility. Please email FullVeda@gmail.com and we will send you the form to submit.
The rates for services are based on the amount of output and materials, not to subsidize other efforts.
We are currently developing a program for supporting local midwives, utilizing a healing justice framework.
More to define, refine, design, and fund with community members.